Bristol Palin had been called by Keith Olbermann the “Worst Person in the World” for she made an announcement about sex in public service. Olbermann has compared her say to George Bush savin
In defence, Bristol says on her Facebook that, “She never called herself to be a perfect person and if her announcement has made her so worse, then Bristol would apologize for saying something like this and for not being so perfect as Olbermann himself.”
She goes on and says that, “Olbermann is free to attack her in any way he could, but he cannot prohibit her saying something for the prevention of teenage pregnancies.” A source informs the PopEater website that, “Currently, Bristol is earning $345,000 from each show but now, she is getting $35,000
It is considered that Bristol shall be chosen as the spokesman for the American Fashion brand. “In the Dancing with the Stars this year, she has made up over twenty-three percent thanks. None can turn away from her; she is just so loveable and it is this which makes her precious. Time has come for her to make money”, a source reports.
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